Rome in four days

Only four days to visit Rome? Here follows an exciting itinerary for visitors with only a short time to discover the city’s main attractions.


Vatican area

Premium WordPress Themes A – Saint Peter’s Basilica

There is no better way to start your stay in Rome than visiting the beautiful Basilica of St. Peter, one of the major symbol of Christianity. The majestic Basilica, still one of the largest churches in the world, home to extraordinary works of art such as the magnificent 29-meter high bronze baldachin by Bernini, Michelangelo’s Pietà, a work that amazes for technique and emotion, the funerary monument of Clement XIII, created by the great Venetian sculptor Antonio Canova, and the splendid mosaic of the ship, built on a design by Giotto in 1305-1313. Of particular interest is the dome designed by Michelangelo. To reach it, you have to climb over 500 steps, but once achieved the top, you can enjoy a magnificent 360° view over Rome. Remember to wear appropriate clothing, people with pants or short skirts and sleeveless tops are not allowed in the basilica.

Premium WordPress Themes B – Vatican Museums

Not so far from Saint Peter’s Basilica are located Vatican Museums where you can admire the papal apartments with Michelangelo and Raffaello’s paintings.

Museums include wonderful collections of works of art of the most prestigious in the world.

The visit takes at least half a day. To avoid the long queue at the entrance, we suggest you to allocate the whole afternoon to visit museums.

Premium WordPress Themes C – Castel Sant’Angelo

With the Basilica at your back, walk Conciliazione street until you get to Castel Sant’Angelo, also known as the Mausoleum of Hadrian, where you can see, in addition to the National Museum, the secret passage Passetto, who joined the Vatican City with the castle, formerly used by the popes to escape from the depredations of the enemy.


From Colosseum to Trastevere

The second day of our tour takes you to the discovery of the “Ancient Rome”.

Premium WordPress Themes A – Colosseum

We start off from the Colosseum, the symbol of Rome par excellence with a history stretching back almost two thousand years.

To the right of the Colosseum, here we are at the Arch of Constantine, Rome’s best-known triumphal arch. While just a stone’s through away we can see the Palatine Hill, where Romulus founded the Eternal City in 753 B.C.

Premium WordPress Themes B – Roman Forum

Moving down the Via dei Fori Imperiali we come to the Roman Forum, the political, financial and religious hub of Rome, with the Imperial Forum just across the road.

Premium WordPress Themes C – Piazza Venezia

Leaving Foras and heading towards Piazza Venezia, on one side of the square, you can find a large monument, often hosting major exhibitions: the Vittoriano. You can take the panoramic lifts to get to the top of the monument where you can enjoy a breathtaking view. 

Premium WordPress Themes D – Campidoglio

A little further on there is Piazza del Campidoglio, which has been centre of city government since the XII century. Michelangelo’s stunning piazza is flanked by the Capitoline Museums, the world’s oldest national museums. Justifiably taking centre stage in the piazza itself is a replica of the bronze statue of the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius. The original statue is to be found in the nearby museum. 

Premium WordPress ThemesE – Mouth of Truth (Bocca della verità)

The Mouth of Truth is located in the Portico of Santa Maria in Cosmedin Church,  one of the most famous churches in Rome.

Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn come to the Mouth of Truth and here he tells her the legend  “if you’re given to lying, you put you’re hand in  it’ll be bitten off”.

Premium WordPress Themes F – Trastevere

Crossing Ponte Palatino, who can stay in Rome for the evening can reach Trastevere, one of the most characteristic district of Rome, where it is a real pleasure to wander through narrow streets, squares and colors that still maintain an authentically Roman character. In addition, the neighborhood is full of typical Roman restaurants and bars where you can spend your evenings.


From Trevi Fountain to Jewish Ghetto

Premium WordPress Themes A – Fontana di Trevi

Trevi Fountain, one of the most important and famous fountains in the world.

Premium WordPress Themes B – Piazza Colonna

From piazza di Trevi our route continues to Piazza Colonna. The square takes its name from the Column of Marcus Aurelius (it. Colonna di Marco Aurelio) that stood here since ancient times and which gives its name to the district Rione Colonna.

Premium WordPress Themes C – Pantheon

From piazza Colonna our route continues to piazza della Rotonda dominated by the magnificent Pantheon building in ancient Rome, built as a temple to all the gods, past, present and future.

Premium WordPress Themes D – Piazza Navona

From piazza della Rotonda, crosseda series of narrow streets and Corso Rinascimento, you come to the overcrowded Piazza Navona, one of the most beautiful and famous squares in Rome, where you can admire: the Fountain of the Four Rivers, designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini; the Fountain of Neptune and Fountain Moro, works of Giacomo della Porta, the Church of St. Agnes in Agony and the Palazzo Pamphili.

Premium WordPress Themes E – Campo dei Fiori

One of the most famous squares of Rome is Campo De’ Fiori.

In antiquity, Campo De’ Fiori was the site of the scene of executions. The people gathered here to witness the martyrdom of outlaws. Giordano Bruno, a philosopher and Dominican monk accused of heresy, was burned alive here on February 17, 1600.

Today Campo De’ Fiori is a nice outdoor market place and a meeting place youngsters who live in the Capital.

Premium WordPress Themes F – Jewish Ghetto

Crossing the narrow streets leading to the ancient Jewish Ghetto we will appreciate the charm of a town quite foreign to the bustle of a capital city. Pope Paul IV had the area enclosed within a wall, considering unconvenient for the Christian to live in such a close contact with the Jews, thus creating the Roman Ghetto.Of great interest is the Theatre of Marcellus, one of the biggest and best preserved theatres of Ancient Rome, the church of St Angelo in Pescheria and the Synagogue, built in 1907.

The visit of the Ghetto continues towards the Portico of Octavia, site of the fish market, where you can find an excellent choice of restaurants serving Jewish – Roman cuisine.



From Villa Borghese to Piazza di Spagna

Premium WordPress Themes A – Villa Borghese

The fourth day we start from Villa Borghese, one of the largest villas of the capital, in which you can spend the morning choosing from Biopark, Galleria Borghese and the other magnificent buildings.

Don’t miss a visit to Pincio, a beautiful terrace offering spectacular views of the city, from which you can admire St. Peter’s, Piazza del Popolo and Via del Corso .

Premium WordPress Themes B – Piazza del Popolo

Coming down from Pincio you get to Piazza del Popolo, where you can visit the beautiful church of Santa Maria del Popolo. From here you can continue to Via del Babuino or proceed to the picturesque Via Margutta and his atelier.

Premium WordPress Themes C – Piazza di Spagna

Thisleads to Piazza di Spagna, the most famous square in Rome with the monumental staircase of Trinità dei Monti and the Barcaccia Fountain.

Premium WordPress ThemesD – Via Condotti

Without a shadow of doubt chic shopping in Rome is traditionally done in the Tridente neighbourhood, where the three famed streets of Via Condotti, Via Borgognona, Via Frattina and indeed the whole area around Piazza di Spagna are literally studded with famous jewellers’ and the top international and Italian fashion designer shop windows.